Reminder: There is a 12:30 Dismissal tomorrow, Friday, February 14th. The School will be closed Monday, February 17th and Tuesday, February 18th for President's Day.

Affordable Housing Alliance Utility Assistance Notice


Affordable Housing Alliance Utility Assistance Notice

Affordable Housing Alliance Notice to Soaring Heights Families regarding the PAGE program

The Affordable Housing Alliance (AHA) has been providing housing and other support services 
for over 25 years in New Jersey. Utility assistance is one of the support services which AHA has 
been administering for over eight years. This letter is to inform you that funds from Payment 
Assistance for Gas and Electric (PAGE) are available to help our fellow NJ residents who are 
struggling to keep up with their utility bills. PAGE program is uniquely designed to help 
working, moderate-income families so that they don't have to choose between food and utilities, 
both of which are basic life necessities. We find that such families often think they are over 
income for any assistance programs. But that is not the case. A family of four making up to 
$113,000/ year can still qualify for up to $1,500 in utility assistance. 

For further information on the program please contact:

Kathy Kerr,
Utility Department Director.
Tel: 732 982 8691 

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