Happy Thanksgiving to all our Soaring Heights Families!

PARCC Testing


PARCC Testing

What is PARCC?

The Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC) is a collaboration of states that share a commitment to developing new-era assessments that measure students’ readiness for college and career.  This includes readiness to master rigorous academic content at each grade level, think critically and apply knowledge to solve problems, and conduct research to develop and communicate a point of view. 

When will testing be held?

Testing will begin May 1st for 5th through 8th grade and run through May 9th. For Grades 3 and 4 testing will begin May 10th and run through May 17th.

Will there be makeup testing?

Yes. The dates for makeup tests are May 18th through May 24th.

How can I prepare my child for testing?

You can help our child be prepared for test taking by making sure they get a good nights rest, eat a healthy breakfast

and get to school on time.

Where can I find more information and resources for the PARCC?

To find more information about the PARCC click here.

For any other questions please contact the main office at 201-434-4800

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